Law firms have learned the value of flexibility, and this is even more true as operations change to support a hybrid workforce long term and are more open than ever to embracing alternative support models.
We help firms get a thorough understanding of the current activities completed by the traditional secretary and administrative staff as well as the metrics and productivity associated with each. From here, we help firms determine which of these activities might be performed elsewhere to support their attorneys more effectively with a skilled and flexible workforce at the right cost, including:
- By another position or role within the firm
- Within a Team concept supporting certain practices within each office(s)
- Through a centralized environment within the firm such as document processing or administrative resource services
- Outsourced to a 24 x 7 centralized environment
Legal and Non-Legal Administrative Resources
Mattern helps firms assess current administrative services and advises how to optimize support for new workflows, efficiency and cost, whether in-house or outsourced. Outcomes can include increasing efficiencies by centralizing the distribution of work based ability and availability of resources; realigning administrative staff with current required skill sets and firm’s future business objectives; and improving overall end-user satisfaction.
Document Processing
Due to improved access to technology, as well as the recent shift to a more remote workforce, attorneys are becoming increasingly self-sufficient and decreasing their reliance on traditional office services support.
Mattern helps firms determine how to best utilize Office Services and the most cost-effective and efficient method to deliver these services firmwide, whether in house or outsourced.
Cost Recovery
Mattern is the undisputed leader and expert in cost recovery in the legal industry. Since 2004, we have produced the most valuable data of cost recovery practices to help firms benchmark and create a strategy that works.
What Mattern’s decades of data and expertise show is that the traditional soft cost recovery model continues to be the dominant model in the marketplace, but hard costs are the most effective way to recover costs with net realization remaining in the mid 80% range.
Mattern helps firms determine how to best utilize reception services, whether in person or virtual.
Virtual reception services offer firms the ability to provide clients and visitors the same personal interaction they do with traditional reception without requiring dedicated, in-person labor resources. As virtual reception becomes increasingly popular, Mattern's analysis and benchmarking against peer firms help steer clients to reception solutions that best meet business objectives.