Computing Needs: Making tech hardware purchases

Published by Robert C. Mattern today in the Chicago Lawyer Magazine – (link to article below)

Rob Mattern says: Over the years, a law firm will procure millions of dollars of technical hardware for the benefit of its employees and physical plant. These technical items can range from multifunctional devices to cost recovery systems to vertical lifts for 34-story office buildings – quite a diversity of purchasing decisions. Given the complexity, importance and variety of these purchases, we propose the following suggestions to ensure your firm benefits most from what you buy.


1. Examine total cost of ownership

2. Try before you buy

3. Determine and check your specs

4. Build flexibility into every deal

5. The lemon out-clause

6. Specify the after plan


1. Don’t forget to get it in writing

2. Don’t fall in love until you are walking down the aisle.

Click here to read the entire article published in the September 2010 edition of the Chicago Lawyer.
