Your Firm Cannot Afford Inefficiency or Outdated Contract Terms. Where Can You Start?

The business mandate for firms to substantially improve efficiencies, redesign workflows, improve vendor service level agreements, and procure and optimize the most current equipment and technology reached an all-time high in 2016—and will only continue for the foreseeable future.

With so much at stake, it can be difficult to know how or where to start your firm’s project—and this is precisely where Mattern’s extensive industry expertise and unbiased approach can help your firm.

Below are recent examples of how the team at Mattern have effectively led two AmLaw 200 firms deliver on the new business mandates by improving their contractual terms, achieve significantly improved workflow, desired equipment flexibility—all while capturing key savings for the bottom line.

  • This 250 attorney, AmLaw 200, Washington D.C.-based firm with 11 offices nationwide was interested in capturing an opportunity with their records storage strategy. The firm had multiple offsite records storage contracts in place and wanted to improve cost-savings and efficiencies by consolidating vendors as well as creating a short and long-term strategy to reduce their offsite storage commitments. Read the case study here:

AmLaw 200 Firm Removes Permanent Withdrawal Fees, Consolidates Vendors and Saves 24% in Off-Site Records Storage.          

  • This 225 attorney, Nashville-based firm was looking to improve outsourcing workflow efficiencies, service level and increase equipment capabilities. The firm had been with its current outsourcing and equipment provider for over a decade and felt that the level of off-site management interaction and proactive presentation of strategic initiatives were minimal. They were interested in learning what other vendors were providing in the outsourcing marketplace that could improve the quality of their services as well as increase capabilities offered. Read the case study here:

Nashville-based Firm Improves Outsourcing Workflow Efficiencies, Service and Equipment Capabilities: Achieves 51% Savings.

We continue to drive value to our law firm clients through our industry-leading, unbiased consulting services. If your firm is looking to improve efficiencies while capturing savings in these areas, talk to us, we are here to help your firm achieve more.
