Is it time for a Checkup?

Quality in terms of end-user-experience is best measured through satisfaction surveys. Firms often survey their end-users when it is time to renew their outsourcing contract. These surveys help to identify “pain” the end-users may be experiencing with their current vendor. Results of the survey assist the Firm in adjusting any service level agreements (SLA) already in place and developing new ones for their contract. These SLA’s also create the base for the quality of service to be measured. The SLA’s should then be developed into a scorecard for monitoring and measuring the performance of their vendor providing service to the firm.

It is important to have a “checkup” during the term of your contract. Re-surveying your end-users mid-contract assists the firm in making sure the needs of their end-users have been met. It presents an opportunity to take some preventative measures to address issues that have changed and not wait till it’s time for their outsourcing contract to be renewed.

So schedule a “checkup” and find out what’s going on with your end-users and don’t wait until the end of your contract to find out it’s too late for a cure.
