The MPF Webinar Series: “What Every Managing Partner Needs to Know About Expense Right-Sizing”

President, Rob Mattern and William Mech, CLM, COO of Goldberg Kohn Ltd., joined John Remsen, Jr. the President and CEO Managing Partner Forum for “What Every Managing Partner Needs to Know About Expense Right-Sizing” where they discussed how “expense right-sizing” will improve your firm’s long-term success and profitability.

Law firms are still battling a steady increase in overhead expenses, but the shift to hybrid operations has created a plethora of opportunities to “right size” and reduce expenses to reflect how your firm will really be operating in the future. Not just cost reduction, “right-sizing” means aligning the firm’s new strategic objectives to costs across administrative support, outsourcing, legal research, output management, and offsite records.

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