Welcome to the summer edition of Mattern Matters. If you are on the east coast it seems like we had the shortest spring on record and launched right into summer so this newsletter is timely.
In this issue of Mattern Matters, we discuss:
- Do you know how many firms charge for eDiscovery user fees or what is the average price for a gigabyte of storage? Participants in the 2015 Mattern & Associates eDiscovery survey do. As featured in Legaltech News, the summer edition of our newsletter provides an overview of the survey results.
- Getting to Zero – No this is not an article on the Phillies win total for this season, but rather how to drive your offsite records cost to zero while addressing the retention of your documents and the need to move your existing paper documents to electronic.
We hope you already subscribe to Mattern Matters, but if you don’t, please go here and sign up! And let’s keep the dialogue moving forward.