Summer of Mattern Blockbuster Event: Webinar

We were pleased to sit down with company President Rob Mattern, Consultant Ben Schmidt, JD & PMP and Nathan Curtis IGP on the Summer of Mattern Blockbuster Event!

The Mattern team joined us live from the “beaches” of Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Houston, hosting a reprise of our most popular webinar of 2021, “How to Handle a Successful Digital Transformation.”

They provided new insights on this in-demand topic which covers how to: 

  1. Lay the groundwork to get out of off-site records storage in ten (10) years.
  2. Incorporate an Information Governance policy with retention schedules.
  3. Define a digital pathway for converting paper records, and off-site records storage contracts that allow you to obtain this goal.
  4. Formulate a plan to digitize your upfront workflow so you are not producing paper to be stored.

Request the full webinar below
