$1million dollars up front, 3 years later and 70k boxes of paper moved. Sound familiar?
This is either happening to your firm right now or at one of your colleagues’ firms. It’s time to get out of the game, stop the hemorrhaging and address what is happening with your firm’s records. The policy of saving everything has never been a viable one, and now more than ever exposes your firm and your clients to undue risk and incurs gross costs to the firm that can no longer be tolerated. It is no longer cheaper to simply send boxes of paper to storage, and certainly not by the tens of thousands.
What if you could get your firm’s offsite records storage costs to zero?
We invite you to join our webinar, “The Getting to Zero Strategy,” next Wednesday, February 25th at 12pm EST.
Rob Mattern, President of Mattern & Associates is joined by Joe Grubb, Director of Operations and recognized industry expert in the area of off-site records, and records management consultant, Betty McAlvaney,CRMM/ERMM and Six Sigma Black Belt with over 20 years of experience in records and information management.
Join these industry leaders as they deliver the blueprint to stabilize and reduce retention of hard copy documents both onsite and off-site.
Rob, Joe and Betty will discuss successful strategies which address records retention, digitizing onsite records, and offsite records storage contracts, as well as how to overcome the landmines which most often derail these objectives: hidden terms and conditions in contracts, reluctance to destroy hard copy documents, and antiquated workflow.
We hope you join us next Wednesday, February 25th at noon EST for “The Getting to Zero Strategy” webinar. It may save you $1 million—and that’s just up front.
To sign up for “The Getting to Zero Strategy” webinar on Wednesday, February 25th contact Lisa Schneider at lschneider@matternassoc.com.
Best regards,
The Team at Mattern & Associates