ARMA Jacksonville Chapter Session: “How to Handle Records Storage for a Successful Digital Transformation”

ARMA Jacksonville Chapter Session: “How to Handle Records Storage for a Successful Digital Transformation” 2022-04-29T17:58:22+00:00

Disruption is the forebear of opportunity.  As organizations take on 2022 and assess their opportunities, the advantages of the forced digital transformation of 2021 become clear:  real estate reduction savings, new flexible workflows that improve employee experience and leveraging digitization to bring new levels of efficiency and productivity.

In this session, President Rob Mattern emphasized that a successful digital transformation will include these three areas in a law firm:

  1. A formally adopted Information Governance policy/retention schedule with a change management plan to ensure defensible disposition.
  2. An upfront digital workflow to reduce the amount of paper being produced.
  3. Offsite records storage contracts that enable you to destroy efficiently and cost-effectively.

Request the full session recording here.

Request access to the white paper here.