If there is one area that Mattern sees firms struggle with on a day-by-day basis, it is the financial and operational handcuffs they operate under in connection to their off-site records storage contracts.
If you think your hands are tied with your off-site storage contracts – they are not. Mattern consultants are experts at creating strategies that will not only save you money now but position your firm with a contract that will support your retention goals for the long term.
If done correctly, your next contract should be the last off-site contract your firm will need to negotiate.
We recently helped Chamberlain Hrdlicka achieve a $0 permanent withdrawal fee which substantially enables the firm to get out of off-site records forever and reduce their current day-to- day costs 40%.
We’d like to share this strategy with you and illustrate how you can ensure your firm’s off-site records storage contract(s) once adopted, are compatible with IG policy, a step many overlook during negotiations.
Other areas we can assist you with:
- How to position your firm to get out of off-site records forever
- Pricing benchmarks
- How to align current records contracts to support IG strategy
- Critical terms to have in your off-site contracts
- How to reduce costs now by an average of 27%