
Did You Know?

Mattern + Bradley teamed up for success before to significantly improve the firm’s outsourcing arrangement, saving the firm 27% on its outsourcing costs, or an annual savings of over $360,000 by creating a strategy to right-size equipment and head count. 

We’d like to help the firm create similar opportunities to improve operations while streamlining costs in 2023, and the timing is right.  We are helping many of our law firm clients right-size expenses with their outsourcing providers post-
COVID.  Firm operations have transformed, and it’s due time that outsourcing contracts do as well. You can check out our recent article on expense “right-sizing” across other support areas here.

Bradley should be ensuring its operational excellence as the foundation of its delivery of legal services.  Here are two new, key approaches that Mattern has been on the leading edge of since we last worked together:  changes in administrative support and digital transformation, powered by our leading expertise in information governance.

Changes to Administrative Support

Mattern is widely regarded as the industry’s only unbiased expert in law firms’ administrative support operations.  Mattern helps firms transform this function by taking an end-to-end, holistic approach to administrative support, including: assessing the effectiveness of firms’ current support, acquiring and leveraging data to restructure and realign administrative support services to optimize the business needs of law firms in a new, hybrid world; and finally, monitoring the effectiveness of new types of support models.

Our white paper, “Administrative Support Services:  The New Way Forward” is accessible here.

Even for firms that have restructured their support model, they aren’t as successful as they had hoped. In a recent Mattern poll of firms that have restructured, respondents rated their success an average of 6.875 on a scale of 1-10.  That’s not where firms want to be – plus 38% report that the administrative burden on attorneys has increased.

This is not where firms want to be.

You can access our flash survey results here or request our March webinar on how to successfully restructure administrative services here.

Our Leading Expertise in Information Governance, Records, and Digital Transformation

Beyond outsourcing, Mattern has developed deep expertise in information governance.  Because of the intertwined nature of IG, records and digital transformation, our expertise in IG has been the key differentiator that has helped firms develop policies to reduce their off-site holdings significantly. 

We’d love for you to meet our certified information governance professionals, Ben Schmidt, JD, IGP, PMP and Nathan Curtis, IGP

Then, when combined with our decades of industry leading success in achieving best in class off-site records storage contracts, we have been helping many clients now develop a plan to get out of off-site records permanently.  Here’s more about that.

Getting Out of Off-Site Records Forever

Our leadership in information governance is essential as we help guide firms to end what was once thought impossible:  ending their off-site holdings and off-site records contracts.  Time and again, our off-site records clients do not believe it can happen, but then our consultants are able to achieve it:  constructing the terms and conditions in your contract that will help you get out of off-site records forever – cost-effectively. Now, more than ever, firms are paying way too much for these services and the additional incidental fees keep cropping up. Mattern is on top of the market and what fees are necessary and more importantly, which ones aren’t. 

Read here how we did it for midsize firm, Chamberlain, here, and why the firm commented:

“I didn’t think it was possible, but Mattern’s lead consultant on the project, Ben Schmidt, felt we could achieve this for the firm. Mattern provided us with insights and expertise that fundamentally shaped this exceptional outcome for the firm’s off-site storage contact negotiations.”

Here are some additional case studies regarding clients that have achieved the impossible:  created the last off-site records storage contract they will ever need. Click here!

Digital Transformation

Combining IG and an aggressive off-site records contract are key to firms’ digital transformation and a high business priority of many of our clients.  We write in detail about the interconnectedness of information governance, off-site records and digital transformation in our white paper, “How to Handle Records for a Successful Digital Transformation” which you can access today.